Making free business cards at home is not a tough job. In fact after preparing the cards they can be mailed to clients. But when it comes to giving the cards physically to people, they cannot depend on their normal printer at home. Even if they do the filthy card that would be printed out would be most likely to be thrown away by clients, the moment you go out of your sight.
Unprofessional or people who do not have a regular office to attend do all the work from home. It is necessary for them to create a positive first impression on the clients. For example a local chocolate producer, a business managed by a mother and her daughter is most likely to be refused in the midst of other competitors. The option left to them is to pose a little professional so business card would be the one and only option for them.
But if the card they produce has uneven corners, the letters on it are smudged or not clear and the quality of the paper is thin, it would certainly be discarded. Normal printers we have at home generally produce such embarrassment.
But if the people are ready to invest a little more and buy a Cannon CX320 then that problem will be surely solved. It is a colored card printer which will aid to make cards at home.It has excellent features. It can print 40 cards in a minute. It provides ready cut paper feeder, the quality of cards printed is high. It also allows separate ink tanks, easy network connectivity. The price of the printer is low and colour printing is allowed.
Many online free business cards maker offer free cards designs so the designing of the cards are free, the expense would be one time only while buying the printer. So local businesses can look professional and enable them to contact with clients and customers and eventually flourish.